planned parenthood: work

As the Art Director for this piece, I pitched working on a video that highlights the great work that Planned Parenthood does for our community.

Our team pulled some stats together that really emphasized the amazing work that PPFA does, and one stat that really stood out to me was that “Planned Parenthood health centers serve more than 2 million patients every year” — so we built a concept around that stat!

As for the visual direction, I leaned into the bold, saturated Planned Parenthood palette and pulled in some scribbly brushstrokes for a soft and artistic look and feel. I wanted to play with the concept of Planned Parenthood being all encompassing as a health provider, so I played with the idea of their bright Care Yellow leading the viewer through Planned Parenthood’s offerings, and ending on the yellow line landing on the Planned Parenthood logo.


Zoë Soriano: Art Direction, Design, Animation, Sound Design

Amanda Person + Mckenzie de la Peña: Script + Creative Direction

Client: Planned Parenthood

Agency: M+R